Published on March 14, 2004 By jayeannev In Religion


on Mar 14, 2004
Ya know, i'm gonna have to comment on this.. I didnt grow up in a "totally religious" household or anything , but we did attend church here n there and now as an adult, a wife and a mother I( and my family) attend church just about every Sunday... Anyway... when i'm not thinking about it or trying to justify or understand it, I'm a "complete believer".. I pray, and not just when things are bad either, I thank god for all the wonderful things in my life, and when things are bad I pray to Him and ask for strength to deal with whatever's going on in my life... If i'm scared I pray for serinty, stuff like that.. however, If I try to "understand" it all I find that nothing makes sense.. If I ask questions at bible study, the answers they give me just creates more questions... what does one do when they are faced with this? I guess just not think about it.. falls under the " even though you cant see the wind , you know its there" catagory I guess..
on Mar 14, 2004
17 years of "faith"?  Or 17 years of people telling you that's what you believe?   Precisely why you need to question it, because if you's not really YOUR doing.
Obviously though you have your faith because you still capitolize the "H" when talking about god.
on Mar 15, 2004
I went through a phase when I questioned my faith. When I got through it, I actually found out that what I had believed about God was wrong. I didn't have to find him. I just had to accept Him. He found me. When you are ready to be found, then God will send you a message, a book, a person who will show you how much God loves you and that all He wants from you is you. He doesn't want you to try to please Him, to be perfect, to follow the rules. He just wants you. In exchange He gives you life, joy and peace.
on Mar 15, 2004
If I ask questions at bible study, the answers they give me just creates more questions... what does one do when they are faced with this? I guess just not think about it.. falls under the " even though you cant see the wind , you know its there" catagory I guess..

Sometimes it is who you ask that creates more questions. I am guessing that If I asked half the people on these forums why the sky is blue I would end up with many different and contradictory explanations. And that would be a result of asking a question that a known or acceptable answer is available. Ask these same people a deeper question concerning religion or philosophy and it becomes comical which in turn provides easy fodder for the anti-god-christian-religion trolls. In a bible study the assumption is made that the leader has all the answers, but that is only a assumption.